/Programme Spesification

Programme Spesification

Programme Specification


Awarding Body/Institution : Bogor Agricultural University
Teaching Institution : Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology
Name of Faculty : Faculty of Animal Science
Programme title : Nutrition and Feed Technology
Name of final award : Bachelor of Animal Science Majoring Nutrition and Feed Technology
Language : Indonesian
Details of the accreditation :

Accreditation board of higher Education  (BAN-PT)

B degree   in for periode 1997- 2002

A  degree in  for periode 2002 – 2007

A  degree  for periode  2007 – 2013

A degree  (score 389) for periode  2013- 2018

Educational aims/objectives of the program :

1) To produce human resources who are able to develop themselves based on their competency in supporting  animal industry to achieve self-sufficiency of animal protein and food security,

2) To produce human resources who have commitment to lifelong learning, curiosity, responsive to change, able to manage information, creative and innovative in the field of feed and nutrition to support sustainable development of animal husbandry.

Learning outcome of the programme :

1. Able to explain tropical potential feedstuffs and forage as well as to apply feed technology as to improve feed efficiency

2. Able to establish/construct pasture area, and to produce forage based on available potential areas

3. Able to explain the functions, utilizations, and metabolism of nutrients as well as nutrition engineering  for efficient animal production with less polluted/healthy environment

4. Able to apply feed production technology and feeding system as to produce wholesome and high quality and efficient animal products

5. Able to formulate animal diet/feed, to design feed production, and to control feed quality in the feed industries

6. Able to solve problems in the field of nutrition and feed technology through data analysis,  and to interprete the result using scientific appropriate methods

7. Able to  communicate with colleagues, think analytically/critical thinking, creative, and innovative in their duties/tasks

8. Able to take responsibility and to lead in group(s) as well as in individual

9. Able to use data, facts, ideas,  for problem solving with ethical profesion and allow “life-long learning” in accordance with the development in science and technology

Admission Criteria :

(1) healthy both physically and mentally,

(2) free from using any kind of narcotics and drugs, and

(3) willing to reside in students‘ dormitories during the first year of study.

Relevan subject benmarck : The existing curriculum was designed through conducting benchmarking carried out to several related faculties/universities in Indonesia in the field of Animal Science.  The NFT study program also conducted benchmarking to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UiTM-Perlis)
Program outcome knowledge, skill, attitude :

Knowledge : Proficient in Principle of Nutrition and Feed Technology for animal production sustainability, and to produce wholesome, as well as high quality food for human consumption in efficient ways

Skill : Proficient in managing feed industry and in feeding system in accordance with the Principle of Nutrition and Feed Technology

Attitude : Proficient in managerial skills as to improve and succeeded in his/her  career

Teaching, learning and assesment startegies :

Teaching learning method :Lecturer, Lab work, Field Trip, Class discussion, Student Seminar, Supervission/ Final Project, Assignment

Asssesment  method : Exams (Midterm, Final) Home work, Lab work report, Review Journal, Quiz, Presentation, Final Project.

Program stucture and requirement :

1. University basic courses, 36 credits,

2. Interdeparment courses, 33 credits

3. Major courses , 61 credits

4. minor/supporting courses, 14-16 credits

Revised of programme specification : August 2011
Information on Assesment regulation :

Courses Contract, Via on line (Simak System), Student guidance book

Particular learning support : Academic guidance begins 3 semesters until graduation  by academic advisor, Thesis guidance begin until 7 semesters until graduation, Academic Guidance by Program Education Commission, Availability of library, laboratory and online lecturer