In 2024, the Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University conducted the 8th Summer Course on July 15 -25, 2024 with the topic “TROPICAL ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEED TECHNOLOGY”. This hybrid program aimed to introduce tropical animal nutrition, feed bio-industry, forage development, and feed formulation to support ecological and sustainable animal production.
Lecturers from overseas universities participated in this event including Newcastle University (Dr. Abdul Chaudhry), University of Hokkaido Japan (Prof. Satoshi Koike), Zagreb University (Prof. Zlatko Janjecic), University Putra Malaysia (Prof. Madya. Mashitah Sheikh Maidin), Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Dr. Mardhati Mohammad). In addition, speakers from Indonesia included those from Bogor Agricultural University (Prof. Dewi Apri Astuti, Prof. Sumiati, Prof. Anuraga Jayanegra, Prof. Despal, Dr. Indah Wijayanti, Dr. rer. nat. Nur Rochmah Kumalasari, Dr. Sri Suharti), Gadjah Mada University (Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suwignyo), and PT Nutricell Pacific (Dr. Wira Wisnu Wardani).
Not only Indonesian students, students from various overseas universities also participated in this year’s summer course, including Hokkaido University (Japan), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, University of Engineering and Technology (Pakistan), Central Luzon State University (Philippines), University of Zagreb (Croatia), and Universiti Pahang Malaysia. They enthusiastically participated in all lecture activities and student competitions in the form of articles and presentations. Additional field experience and insight into tropical livestock management were also conducted by visiting the dairy goat farming center of PT Buminaraya Yogyakarta.
One of the speakers from Newcastle University, Dr. Abdul Chaudhry who was present at IPB University conveyed a very memorable experience with this Summer Course activity. “I was very happy and impressed, especially during the presentation and discussion sessions, because the participants were very enthusiastic and active in discussing, they could also get to know more closely the local wisdom of Indonesian people and farmers during excursions and visits to one of the dairy goat farms,” said Dr. Abdul Chaudhry.
The same thing was also expressed by John Roy Benedict, one of the students from Central Luzon State University. John expressed a great experience because he got new lecture topics and interesting field study experiences during the Summer course activities.